Spiritually Sensitive Caregiving: A Multi-Faith Handbook

Coping with the Holidays After the Death of a Loved One
By Janice Harris Lord
When Grief Comes Home for the Holidays
Many among us have struggled with the cloud of sadness than hangs over the holidays after a loved one has died. If the person was killed, the onslaught of holiday cheer may seem too much to bear. Holidays can give rise to new or returning bouts of depression, panic attacks, and other forms of anxiety for those whose lives have been affected.
Family members, friends, and work colleagues often re-experience life-changing trauma through flashbacks, nightmares, and overwhelming sadness. Some
have trouble sleeping, while others don’t want to get out of bed. Tears come easily, often when least expected. Old ailments, including headaches, gastrointestinal problems, and aches and pain may return.
Click the Link below for PDF of Janice's article: "Coping with the Holidays after the Death of a Loved One."